2024: PM Mr. Narender Modi visited the FDCI Gallery which is known as VASTRA KATHA at Bharat Mandapam and his eyes captured at Anju Modi exhibit, where her crafted costumes for "Bajirao Mastani" was a cherished journey, leveraging her three decades of design experience alongside Sanjay Leela Bhansali, a director passionate about authenticity and our rich Indian heritage.


2023: Vogue- 'Forces of Fashion' Award | 'Hall of Fame by FDCI' Award | G20 - Gandhinagar (Panch Tattva) for Cultural Dinner at Gujarat Presidency | G20 - Gandhinagar (Ayurveda) for Health Ministers Meeting | At Fashion Connect India 


2015: Researched and developed costumes for the vivid period drama ‘BajiraoMastani’ by Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Nominated and won the ‘Best Costume Designer’ for the same at Filmfare.


2014: ICUNR Award for Excellence in Fashion


2013:  Researched and developed costumes for the movie ‘Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela’ by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The project was Honoured with ‘LIFE OK Screen Award’, The ‘Star Guild Award’ & won nomination for the ‘Best Costume Designer’ at Filmfare


2012: PCJ Excellence Award
          ELLE Style Award


2010: Best Indian Designer Award - Marie Claire


2008: Nominated for Marie Claire’s Made in India Awards - Special Honours category “Best Craft Revival”